

Lost Highwas before a gig, 1998
Lost Highwas before a gig, 1998
Live concert poster, Pigalle 1998
Live concert poster, Pigalle 1998
With new base player, Øvingshotellet 2023
With new base player, Øvingshotellet 2023

After playing and singing as an duo for a while, Lars and Kyrre  understood in 1998 that they had to take the music further. The goal was to start a band. Contacts were carefully reviewed, and after a short and intense search, the choice was taken: Bassist Ole Kristian Nystrøm and drummer Geir Løvdal joined the band.

The next step was to find a band room for rehearsal. Soon, an opportunity arose in an established location in Stockholmgata at Grünerløkka, Oslo. Rumors said that Jokke and Valentinerne also rehearsed in the same room that Lost Highways got access to.

Band names were discussed. After several rounds, Kyrre convinced  his band mates to look at the title of av feature film by film connoisseur David Lynch. Just a single letter was added. Thanks to the american artist for inspiration.

The first gig was at Pigalle Night Club in Grønlandsleiret, Oslo. An audience counting more than 100, heard a debut concert containing  about ten own songs, besides covers like Dolly Parton's "I will always love you" and Chris Isaak's "Blue Hotel". In the three following years, Lost Highways played a number of concerts on more or less well-known stages such as Volapük, Vega (with Lorenzo), student pubs, Gudmunds Kringsjå, Gamla and once more, Pigalle (with Piggyback).

In the period from 1998 to 2001, Lost Highways was in the studio twice. The first five-track demo, "Loveless", was produced by Neil Anton Heggernes in Stockholmsgate, while the second, also a five-track demo/EP called "Lost Highways", was produced by Arnt Rye in the studio Frogner Lyd. The band ended it´s original form in 2001.

In 2021, after a twenty year short break, Lost Highways reunited for a mini-festival arranged by one of the band members. The joy of playing together again kicked off a band comeback. Lost Highways played three concerts in 2021, before bassist Ole Kristian resigned and was replaced by Jo Espen in November 2022. Lost Highways worked through 2023 at Øvingshotellet in Oslo with a plan to play live and record songs in the studio.